Provide responsible financial products and services for the progress of our partners and clients throughout their life cycle, providing benefits, advice and financial education in an environment that highlights Coopeuch's values.
Work to lead and promote the development of the cooperative model, being a sustainable company that achieves a relevant participation in competing markets, supporting the development of our partners, their families and customers. Offer the widest range of financial products and services to our partners and clients, giving them a cooperative service experience and permanently seeking to be the best place to work.
Contribute to the development and progress of the member and their family group, clients and the community in which they operate, thus contributing to society and the country, promoting the delivery of financial products and services in an inclusive manner.
Cooperative Values
- Mutual help
- Responsibility
- Democracy
- Equality
- Equity
- Solidarity
Cooperative principles
- Voluntary and open membership
- Democratic management by members
- Economic participation of its members
- Autonomy and independence
- Education, training and information
- Cooperation between cooperatives
- Commitment to the community
Achievements that make us proud

We are a solid cooperative business model

We generate social and economic impact on our partners

More than 900 thousand members and partners trust us

We strongly promote savings throughout the country

Our collaborators are proud to work at Coopeuch